Slider Bkg Red Wood
Experienced, Trust-Worthy, Reliable.
Proudly Serving Reynolds Since 1973

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  • Background Office

    We have been preparing taxes since 1973 when Charlie Wood hung out his “shingle” and started doing taxes in his basement.


    Y’all are Top Shelf

    Larrie Dahl

    Wouldn’t ask anyone else to help us.

    Sheila Sedam

    Thank you!

    Mike Bonynge

    Thank you!

    Randy Shaffer

    Thank you for the great job you do

    Ron Moffitt

    Love Charlie's tax service!

    Kim Kilcoin Dean

    Your help is much appreciated.

    Carol Bosold-Shradar

    You guys are the best that's why I've been continually going to your business

    RaymRaymond Goose

    Thank you for the great job you do for us

    Ron Moffitt

    Thank you for all you do. Thank you Chris Meskan for going above and beyond. I appreciate your efforts..

    Marge Freebern Lloyd

    42 plus Years of Service. Always happy

    Steve Oak

    Ready To Get Started?

    1. For your convenience, you can print and fill out this form.

    Client Information Checklist

    2. Call us at (309) 372-8868

    3. Let our Tax Experts handle the rest!